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Research Publications

Research faculty members at the Institute for Coastal and Water Research are working to share their research with the world. This is the list of publications that our faculty have recently produced.

Research publications are divided into six subject areas:

Coastal Plant Ecology

  • Silliman, B. R., P. M. Dixon, C. Wobus, Q. He, P. Daleo, B. B. Hughes, J. M. Willis, and M. W. Hester.  2016.  Thresholds in marsh resilience to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.  Nature Scientific Reports. 6, Article number: 32520.
  • Hester, M. W., J. M. Willis, S. Rouhani, M. Steinhoff, and M. C. Baker.  2016.  Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the salt marsh vegetation of Louisiana. Environmental Pollution.  216: 361-370.
  • Willis, J. M., M. W. Hester, S. Rouhani, M. Steinhoff, and M. C. Baker.  2016.  Field assessment of the impacts of Deepwater Horizon oiling on the coastal marsh vegetation of Mississippi and Alabama.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.  35: 2791-2797.
  • Yando, E. S., M. J. Osland, J. M. Willis, R. H. Day, K. W. Krauss, and M. W. Hester.  2016.  Salt marsh-mangrove ecotones: Using structural gradients to investigate the effects of woody plant encroachment on plant-soil interactions and ecosystem carbon pools. Journal of Ecology. 104: 1020–1031.
  • Jones, S. F., C. L. Stagg, K. W. Krauss, and M. W. Hester.  2016.  Tidal saline wetland regeneration of sentinel vegetation types in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: An overview.  Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science.  174: A1-A10.
  • Sloey, T. M., R. J. Howard, and M. W. Hester.  2016.  Response of Schoenoplectus acutus and Schoenoplectus californicus at different life-history stages to hydrologic regime. Wetlands. 36, 37-46.
  • Sloey, T. M., and M. W. Hester.  2016.  Interactions between soil physicochemistry and belowground biomass production in a freshwater tidal marsh. Plant and Soil. 401:397-408.
  • Hester, M. W., J. M. Willis, and T. M. Sloey.  2016.  Field assessment of environmental factors constraining the development and expansion of Schoenoplectus californicus marsh at a California tidal freshwater restoration site. Wetlands Ecology and Management. 24(1), 33-44.
  • Mopper, S., K. Wiens, and G. Goranova. 2016. Competition, salinity, and clonal growth in native and invasive irises. American Journal of Botany 103:1575-1581.
  • Visser, J.M. and J.K. Peterson.  2015.  The effects of flooding duration and salinity on three common upper estuary plants.  Wetlands. 35:625-631.

Coastal Faunal Ecology

  • Regmi, R., M.R. Douglas, W. J. B. Anthonysamy, M. E. Douglas and P. L. Leberg. 2016. Salinity and hydrological barriers have little influence on genetic structure of the mosquitofish in a coastal landscape shaped by climate change.  Hydrobiologia.  777: 209–223.
  • Vasseur, P.L. and P.L. Leberg. 2015. Effects of habitat edges and nest-site characteristics on Painted Bunting nest success. Journal of Field Ornithology 86:27-40.
  • Granados-Cifuentes, C., J. Neigel, P.L. Leberg, and M. Rodriquez-Lanetty. 2015. Genetic diversity of free-living Symbiodinium in the Caribbean: the importance of habitats and seasons. 34:927-939.
  • Nelson, J. A., H. Garritt, and L.A. Deegan. 2015. Drivers of spatial and temporal variability in estuarine food webs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 533:67-77.
  • Stallings C.D., A. Mickle, J.A. Nelson, M. McManus, and C. Koenig. 2015. Faunal communities and habitat characteristics of the Big Bend seagrass meadows, 2009-2010 Ecology. 96:304-304
  • Stauffer, B.A., J. Miksis-Olds, and J.I. Goes. 2015. Cold regime interannual variability of primary and secondary producer community composition in the southeastern Bering Sea. PLoS ONE. 10(6): e0131246.

Water Resources

  • Borrok, D., and W.P. Broussard III. 2016. Long-term geochemical evaluation of the coastal Chicot Aquifer system, Louisiana, USA.  Journal of Hydrology 533: 320-331.
  • Szynkiewicz A., and D.M. Borrok. In revision. Isotope variations of dissolved Zn in the Rio Grande watershed, USA: The role of adsorption on Zn isotope composition.  Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
  • Szynkiewicz A., D.M. Borrok, G. Skrzypek, and M. Rearick. 2015. Isotopic studies of the
  • Upper and Middle Rio Grande. Part 1 – Importance of sulfide weathering in the riverine sulfate budget. Chemical Geology. 411:323-335.
  • Szynkiewicz A., D.M. Borrok, G.K. Ganjegunte, G. Skrzypek, L. Ma, M. Rearick, and G. Perkins.  Isotopic studies of the Upper and Middle Rio Grande. Part 2 – Salt loads and human impacts in south New Mexico and west Texas. Chemical Geology. 411:336-350.
  • Thapalia, A., D.M. Borrok, P.C. Van Metre, and J. Wilson. 2015.  Zinc Isotopic Signatures in lake sediment cores from across the United States.  Environmental Science and Technology 49:132-140.
  • Costigan, K.H., M.D. Daniels, and W.K. Dodds. 2015. Fundamental spatial and temporal disconnections in the hydrology of an intermittent prairie headwater fluvial network. Journal of Hydrology. 522:305-316.
  • Costigan, K.H., P.J. Soltesz, and K.L. Jaeger. In Press. Large wood in Central Appalachian headwater streams: Controls on and potential changes to wood loads from infestation of hemlock woolly adelgid. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
  • Costigan, K.H., C.M. Ruffing, J.S. Perkin, and M.D. Daniels. In Press. Rapid response of a sand dominated river to temporary run of the river dam installation and removal. River Research and Applications.
  • Fencl, J.S., M.E. Mather, K.H. Costigan, and M.D. Daniels. In Press. How big of an effect do small dams have?; using geomorphological footprints to quantify spatial impact of low-head dams and identify patterns of across-dam variation. PLoS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141210.
  • Perkin, J.S., K.B. Gido, K.H. Costigan, M.D. Daniels, and E. Johnson. In Press Fragmentation and drying ratchet down Great Plains stream fish diversity. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
  • McCoy, N., B. Chao, and D. Gang. 2015.  Non-point Source Pollution. Water Environment Research. 87:1576-1594.
  • Poudel, D.D. 2016. Surface Water Quality Monitoring of an Agricultural Watershed for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 71:310-326.


  • McCoy, N., B. Tang, G. Besse, D. Gang, and D. Hayes. 2015. Laboratory study of a novel marsh shoreline protection structure: Wave reduction, silt-clay soil collection, and mathematical modeling. Coastal Engineering. 105:13-20.
  • Tang, L., Y. Tian, F. Yan, and E. Habib. 2015. An improved procedure for the validation of satellite-based precipitation estimates. Atmospheric Research. 163: 61-73.
  • Eldardiry, H., E. Habib and Y. Zhang. 2015. On the use of radar-based quantitative precipitation estimates for precipitation frequency analysis.  Journal of Hydrology. 531:441–453.
  • Saber, M. and E. Habib 2015.  Flash floods modelling for Wadi System: challenges and trends. Book Chapter in “Landscape dynamics, soil and hydrological processes in varied climates”, Ed.: A. Melesse and W. Abtew, Springer. Geography pp 317-339.
  • Nelson, B., O. Prat, D.J. Seo, and E. Habib. In Press. Assessment and implications of stage IV quantitative precipitation estimates for product intercomparisons.  Journal of Weather and Forecasting.
  • Eldardiry, H., E. Habib, Y. Zhang, and J. Graschel.2015. Artifacts in stage IV NWS real-time multisensor precipitation estimates and impacts on identification of maximum series. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering.  DOI:10.1061/(ASCE) HE.1943-5584.0001291, E4015003
  • Zhang, Y, D.J Seo, E. Habib, and J. McCollum. 2015.  Differences in scale-dependent, climatological variation of mean areal precipitation based on a satellite and radar-gauge observations. Journal of Hydrology. 522:35-48.
  • Haile, A.T.,  F Yan, and E. Habib. 2015.  Accuracy of the CMORPH satellite-rainfall product over Lake Tana Basin in Eastern Africa. Atmospheric Research. 163:177-187.

Environmental Toxicology

  • Oguma, A.Y. and P.L. Klerks. 2015. Evidence for mild sediment Pb contamination affecting leaf-litter decomposition in a lake. Ecotoxicology 24: 1322-1329
  • Cazan, A.M. and P.L. Klerks. 2015. Effects from a short-term exposure to copper or cadmium in gravid females of the livebearer fish (Gambusia affinis). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 118:199-203.
  • Cazan, A.M. and P.L. Klerks. 2015. Physiological effects and reduced tolerance following maternal metal exposure in the live-bearing fish Gambusia affinis. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34:1337-1344.
  • Cazan, A.M. and P.L. Klerks. 2015. Effects on life history variables and population dynamics following maternal metal exposure in the live-bearing fish Gambusia affinis. Ecotoxicology 24:626-635.


  • Stallings C.D., J.A. Nelson, K.L. Rozar, C.S. Adams, K.R. Wall, T.S. Switzer, B.L. Winner, and D.J. Hollander. 2015. Effects of preservation methods of muscle tissue from upper-trophic level reef fishes on stable isotope values (δ 13 C and δ 15 N). PeerJ 3:e874
  • Poudel, D.D. 2015. Factors associated with farm-level variation, and farmers’ perception and climate change adaptation in smallholder mixed-farming livestock production system in Nepal. Int. J. Environmental and Sustainable Development 14: 231-257.
  • Pellerin, B.A., B.A. Stauffer, D.A. Young, D.J. Sullivan, S.B. Bricker, M.R. Walbridge, G.A. Clyde, and D.M. Shaw. In revision. Emerging tools for continuous nutrient monitoring networks: sensors advancing science and water resources protection. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Open Water Data Initiative Feature Collection