Expert Faculty

Global climate-change is an area of significant research by Institute for Coastal and Water Research faculty members, who address research questions through field and laboratory studies.

Research in the Field

Institute researchers have significant expertise in barrier island ecology and have completed several large-scale studies to enhance barrier island restoration effectiveness.


Institute for Coastal & Water Research

Welcome to the Institute for Coastal and Water Research (ICaWR).

ICaWR houses faculty of diverse expertise in the areas of coastal and water resources with the goal of addressing complex linkages between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in an ever-changing environment. The structure of ICaWR promotes multidisciplinary collaboration, and we invite interested partners from across the country to interact with us. Research expertise in ICaWR encompasses such pressing environmental concerns as:

  • global climate change and sea-level rise,
  • restoration of coastal ecosystems,
  • environmental modeling,
  • water management, and
  • sustainability of habitats and communities.

Learn more about us, see our research and how you can get involved.